
Sealing my Womb Portal

Claiming my power back. ...more

Ritual ,Women's Mysteries

April 08, 20237 min read

Sealing my Womb Portal

Wild Womb Experience

What happens when you listen to your womb? ...more

Women's Mysteries ,Cultural Evolution Visionary &Sovereignty

March 03, 20233 min read

Wild Womb Experience

My worst supermarket trip ever

Warning: Contains blood. ...more

Women's Mysteries

January 20, 202312 min read

My worst supermarket trip ever

Trusting Women's Mysteries

Birth, Death, Ecstatic Menopause & Transformation ...more

Women's Mysteries ,Motherhood &Cultural Evolution

January 18, 20233 min read

Trusting Women's Mysteries

Blood Mysteries Peri Menopause Initiation

A shamanic journey into my womb ...more

Women's Mysteries ,Visionary

January 08, 20235 min read

Blood Mysteries Peri Menopause Initiation

What happens in a session?

What happens in a private session ...more

Ritual ,Women's Mysteries Sisterhood Magic &Soul Business

February 05, 20216 min read

What happens in a session?

Who is Blossoming Woman?

As the custodian of your work, if you are able to step aside to truly listen, what is your soul whispering to you? Connecting in with the soul of your business will guide you through... ...more

Women's Mysteries ,Visionary &Business

August 27, 20205 min read

Who is Blossoming Woman?

What is the Sacred Feminine Way?

Reclaiming the love, beauty and power that has been inside us all along. ...more

Women's Mysteries ,Sisterhood Cultural Evolution Visionary &Sexuality

August 04, 20203 min read

What is the Sacred Feminine Way?

Betrayal and the Sisterhood ... Restoring trust between women.

During these times of great upheaval, the shadows are coming out of the closet to be cleared. We have the opportunity to courageously face the truth and free ourselves... ...more

Women's Mysteries ,Leadership Sisterhood Cultural Evolution Communication &Visionary

August 02, 20208 min read

Betrayal and the Sisterhood ... Restoring trust between women.

Ritual to call in your Soul Tribe

How to call in your perfect clients for a retreat, circle or offering. ...more

Ritual ,Women's Mysteries Magic &Soul Business

November 22, 20197 min read

Ritual to call in your Soul Tribe
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