
They changed the rules! Updated mask info.

They changed the rules! Updated mask info.

July 23, 20212 min read

They changed the rules yesterday! Here is my updated video with the new rules and how to meet the mask exemption criteria.

This info relates to NSW Australia, and you could find similar info in your region.

Here are the links mentioned in this video:

Some more info...

Here are the face mask rules in NSW. Please note that technically according to the law we do not need to show any evidence of medical exemption, so in the meantime until some savvy lawyers get onto it, I am just gonna get the piece of paper because for me it's mostly about not wearing a mask.

It's super easy and took me half an hour to print a form (here is the Statutory Declaration form to print) fill it in, and take it down the road to a local bank manager to get signed. Watch the video for more info on this - and make sure you don't sign it until you have a proper witness.

Here is a list of the 'official' people who can witness and sign a statutory declaration form. < that appears to be Australia wide.

There is also a Justice of the Peace public registrar by area in NSW HERE but honestly, the list above ^^^ is much easier. I just went in coz it's close to home... you might need to call ahead to check that the person you need, who can sign a stat dec, is working that day.

In the video you can hear what I wrote on my form, brief and simple. It does the job. I also did forms for my 2 eldest daughters who are 15 and 18.

Wild times, magical ones!

We've got this!

If you haven't yet, you can watch Stand Your Ground HERE for empowerment, activation and claiming your rights and freedom. That will also sign you up to my email list so we can stay connected :) and receive the Witches on a Mission guidebook when it's ready!

::: Organise your life with me! :::

If you want to join me for a fun day to sort out your life, get organised and clear about your projects and next steps, come and join me for the Art of Living retreat from home on zoom, to Craft Your Mothership - your own personal, customised, intuitive organisation system to rock your life in a beautiful way.

We've got this, witches!!

Stand Strong.

Please feel free to share this video with someone who will find it helpful. We're stronger together.

And remember... the light wins :)

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Avalon Darnesh

Avalon guides women to trust their inner wisdom, activate their full power, do their soul work and shift the paradigm. We are the change makers.

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