
Web Wisdom

Web Wisdom - Links, Resources & Online Platforms

May 30, 20207 min read

Below you will find a list of resources from my recent Web Wisdom for Witches Training.

The training itself covers:

  1. Shifting Paradigms - from old to new ways of doing business

  2. 4 things you need to clarify before choosing your online platform

  3. Web platforms, systems, tools and options

  4. Next Steps

 If you haven't watched the Training yet, I highly recommend it. It demystifies online business and helps you understand it. Women have been loving it, feeling inspired and empowered. You can access the Web Wisdom for Witches replay HERE.


Figuring out what you need


First you need to figure out what you want your website to do, because that will help you know which platforms and tools you need. For example, is it purely to share your message, or will you host a blog, book private sessions, or run online training programs? All this is explored in the free training. ^


Once you've sorted out what you're doing and what you need, here are some online platforms below, along with my essential tech tools I use every day.


These include:

  • a domain name

  • website platform

  • email host

  • payment processer/checkout

  • online shops

  • online learning platforms


Your website is your online universe. Imagine people zipping through cyberspace,  getting overwhelmed and frazzled. Assume someone is coming to your website for the first time, because statistically they are. Make your website a safe space to land.


Have clear navigation. Lead the way. Take people on a journey. Confused people click away.


First, here are my essential tools I use to stay organised: (a couple of these are affiliate links which I have made clear, because these things rock so much I am happy to share the love)


Kajabi - my all-in-one website-blog-email-course-membership platform which makes everything easy (that's an affiliate link so if you click on that, you get double the free trial and I get a bonus - yay!)


Evernote - my second brain. For keeping text notes, information, organised in ’Notebooks’ and notes, instead of folders trapped on your hard drive. It syncs with all devices, and you can share links to notes with other people.


Trello - online organising tool, like a virtual cork board with ‘lists’ and ‘cards’ to keep everything together. You can add attachments, checklists, due dates, share boards with other people.


Acuity Scheduling - for booking client sessions, packages and events. This is like having your own secretary. You set up your sessions, packages, events and prices, allocate dates in your calendar, then your clients can pay and book their own sessions and you both receive a notification email. The inbuilt checkout can be used to receive single payments or set up payment plans. Some people use this as their primary way of making sales online. (that's my affiliate link)


Zoom - for online video calls.

Google Calendar - syncs with everything, get reminders for sessions and events on your phone.


Google Drive - for online storage and sharing files with people.


I also use Mighty Networks to host the Blossoming Woman Sanctuary in a safe, private membership area off facebook. You can upgrade to run online courses through there too. It's amazing as a way for people to connect, super user friendly with an app so you can access on any device. I still use Kajabi for my courses because it's a more sophisticated platform.


Now... continuing to the online resource list:


You need a domain name, which is your web address shown in the browser. I have way too many. I get mine from


With your website, you can DIY it or get someone to help. Most platforms are pretty user friendly and there are heaps of online trainings and how-to videos if you google it, from basics to advanced.


Free websites:

Wix - user friendly DIY drag and drop


Weebly - this is what I started with. Again, DIY super easy to make your own.  - This is technically free 'open source' software, but you do need a bit of tech knowledge or learning to set it up yourself. You can add 'themes' to change the look, you can expand features with ‘plug-ins’. You need to maintain and keep updating this yourself. You also need ‘hosting’ which is a paid online space for your website to live.


With wordpress, you can add plugins to run online courses, memberships, forums, just about anything... You can DIY to a point, and might need help at some point depending on how much customisation and features you want.


If you are selling products:


Etsy is a great, easy way to get started selling your own handmade products without any tech knowhow.


Big Cartel an affordable way to set up your own groovy, stylish online store to sell your creations


Shopify is a well known online shopping platform to sell products online


WooCommerce - this is something you can add onto your WordPress site. 


For online learning/e-course platforms:


Podia - DIY user friendly way to host online courses and memberships


Teachable - "Create and sell beautiful online courses"


Coursecraft - "Bring your brilliance. We handle the rest."


Kartra - "Your online business made easy."


Kajabi - all in one. This is what I use. I use it because it weaves everything together including website, blog, emails, payments, e-courses, etc. There is a bit of learning but it's all there inside the platform with 'Kajabi University' to guide you through. That's my affiliate link.


Email Provider:


If it’s not included in your online platform, you also need a way to collect people’s email addresses:


Mailchimp (be mindful if you are promoting natural health / va$$ination info, accounts have been deleted)


AWeber - Small business email marketing. I used this when I first started.


Drip - automate your e-commerce marketing


Convertkit - I love convertkit. That's what I used before I switched to kajabi. It has lots of customisation and fairly easy to use.


Ontraport - lots of features "All your marketing tools in one place."


Infusionsoft - this autodirected me to 'Keap' so I'm guessing they have upgraded... this software has lots of features and is complicated to use so you would probably need help. 


You need a way to take payments:


Some online platforms have an inbuilt shopping cart. Some don't.

They integrate with other payment processors such as:

Paypal - online payments

Stripe - for online credit card payments

Samcart - a simple way to sell online


To get started all you really need is one page about who you are, what you do and who it's for, and a way for people to contact you.


Next, have a way of collecting people's email addresses.


For this, unless you have an all-in-one system, you will need one of the email providers listed above. You can have an 'opt-in form' where people can sign up, and a thank you page to welcome them into your world. Then you can set up an email autoresponder or sequence that delivers a lovely free gift to them, giving them a taste of your magic. This is like a first date. First impressions matter, so do your best to provide real value in your free gift as their first step on their journey with you. Say hello, and let them know what will happen next, like how often they might hear from you, links to your blog or socials, and ways to work with you, etc.


This is the start of your relationship with your client.


I know there's a lot there... so if you want my guidance to take your business to the next level, check out Sacred Woman Rising - Ecstatic Business Activation. This is a journey that weaves together the mystical with the practical... come with me on a journey to get clarity, deepen into your wisdom as a woman, and flesh our your own unique Soul Business Blueprint.


I also do Private Mentoring and would be honoured to be your Sacred Business Midwife to help you share your gifts with the world..



Avalon x


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Avalon Darnesh

Avalon guides women to trust their inner wisdom, activate their full power, do their soul work and shift the paradigm. We are the change makers.

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