
Temple Dancing Songs

Temple Dancing Songs

July 30, 20212 min read

By popular request, here are some divine songs I love dancing to in the morning. This is not just a fluffy practice, but really gets you grounded, centred and embodied and expands your visionary abilities... so you can navigate your day from an empowered place.

In the morning, I light a candle and call in Divine Mother to be with me, then I put headphones on and a blindfold, so I can go deeply into the music.

First I ground and centre, call in the elements to be with me - earth, air, fire, water, above, below, within... then I feel my roots connected with the Earth and breathe in the beautiful nourishment of mama nature.

Sometimes I also call in my ancestors, some times I have a specific intention for the dance, and sometimes it is purely to feel deeply grounded in the beauty of my own body temple.

I recommend the work of Lisa Bogle from Shandara Energy Weaving if you'd like to go even deeper into this practice, as she helped me really anchor into the energy of this practice within a sacred container.

Here are the songs I love...

Codes of the Rose - this is my morning go-to. This is slow and sensual, divine and activating, and will take you deeply into the magic of your body temple, to awaken the codes within you as we bring great love and healing to Earth once again.

If you want to amp it up a bit, go for Hollow Bone by Deya Dova. This is the one I love to call in my ancestors and see us all dancing in a circle, so divinely supported. We've got this!

Enter the Temple by Kayla Scintilla is another slow, sensual invitation into the depths of your own body temple. I've even done a sensual dance to Brett to this one. Keep in mind, Temple Dancing is not a performance, it is your own embodiment practice... but if you want to share, have fun :)

Woman by Amber Lily is so fun and beautiful to celebrate being a woman, feeling the aliveness of your hips and thighs and the magic inside you.

Crank up some energy with Earth Breath to feel the aliveness of your being expanding with power and energy!

And just for fun....

This song has been saving my life through the armageddon! SO good, so groovy... Strange Planet!

So good!

Another time I will share more info about how I do the set up in the beginning to call in the elements, and specific purposes I use this practice for.



Avalon x

If you'd like inspiration and reminders to do your Temple Dancing, I share songs and reminders on WILD mama Radio, my telegram channel HERE.

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Avalon Darnesh

Avalon guides women to trust their inner wisdom, activate their full power, do their soul work and shift the paradigm. We are the change makers.

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