
get shit done

How to get shit done and be present to your kids free online class

March 22, 20201 min read

This class is for homeschooling parents and carers who want to get stuff done while having children at home. (and keep your shit together)

Watch it for free right here, right now. Click to play the video above.

Download your free handy PDF guidebook to accompany this workshop HERE. (opens in a new tab so you can keep watching)

It IS possible to do your stuff and have kids at home! I'm living proof of that. We've homeschooled 5 children in a blended family while running 2 businesses from home, and before that I was a single mum of 2 children while also working from home, so I'd love to share what I've learned with you, to help make your life easier.

Covered in this class:

  • Introduction

  • What do children really need?

  • What's important to you?

  • How do you meet everyone's needs??

  • Practical strategies to get shit done

  • Tools I use

  • Age by age ideas and tips

  • How I can support you

Short on time? Want to read instead? Make sure you get your free handy PDF guidebook with all the details from this workshop HERE.


I love helping visionary women do your soul work!

If you'd love to join me in a journey to Flourish in your soul work while raising your children in beautiful ways, come and join me in Flourish HERE.

We are the women the Earth needs now!

Let's do this.

Please share this class with anyone who needs some inspiration to get shit done with children at home. Thank you for your support!

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Avalon Darnesh

Avalon guides women to trust their inner wisdom, activate their full power, do their soul work and shift the paradigm. We are the change makers.

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