
Howling Circle Guidelines

Howling Circle Guidelines

December 18, 20211 min read

A Howling Circle is a safe space for women to feel and express. During these challenging times, this is an invitation to call women together in the flesh, on the Earth, to be heard, supported and safe to feel & express what arises.

We are gathering in Coffs Harbour, at Little Diggers Beach (north end, past the rocky outcrop) from 4-6pm on the full moon of Sunday 19th Dec to ground and connect in circle, explore the current situation, get on hands and knees and make some sound to let any big feelings flow through. See flyer with more info below...

Our Coffs event is by note donation. Proceeds go to YAP - Young Australia Project - bringing young people together for a sense of belonging, connection, fun and action.

We encourage you to join us, or gather in the flesh with women in your own local area, even if just with one or 2 friends.

If you would like to hold a howling circle, you can download the Free Howling Circle Guidelines Document HERE.

Below is the flyer and info for our Coffs circle. Zoom in for details...

If you would like free access to our recent circles and empowering resources for parents about the covid19 injections, you can get free access to the Wolf Pack Videos & Resources HERE.

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Avalon Darnesh

Avalon guides women to trust their inner wisdom, activate their full power, do their soul work and shift the paradigm. We are the change makers.

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